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Einheits- und Neubaudampfloks in Deutschland
Dostal, M: 2002 Geramond Munchen, softcover 192 pages, with many photo's and details. Steam trains made after WW2 ISBN 9783765471698 In very good condition
Lokomotiven und Triebwagen der DB AG
Dostal, M: 2002 Geramond Munchen, softcover 192 pages, with al the material in 2002 on the German Rail. With photo's and detailed information ISBN 3765471755 In very good condition
Lokomotiven und Triebwagen der Deutschen Bahn
Braun, A: 1997 Geramond Munchen, softcover 191 pages, with photo's and detailed information of all material on the German Railways at this moment ISBN 393278510x In very good condition
Kleine Typenkunde osterreichischer Triebfahrzeuge
Beier, R: 1996 Transpress deutschland, softcover ca. 80 pages, with photo's and detailed information ISBN 9783344710316 In very good condition
Lokomotiven und Triebwagen der Schweizer Bahnen...
Willen, P: 1976 Orell Fussli Schweiz, Volume 1; Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (SBB), softcover 190 pages, with photo's and detailed information ISBN 3280008131. Volume 2; Privatbahnen Westschweiz und Wallis, softcover 251 pages, with...
Das Grosse Typenbuch deutscher Lokomotiven
Weisbrod a.o.: 1992 Transpress Berlin, hardcover with dustjacket 336 pages, with many photo's. German Language ISBN 3334707515 In very good condition
Die Kleinbahn (diverse numbers)
Privatbahnen and Werksbahnen. 12,50 each
Zeunert, I: softcover 80 pages, with photo's and detailed information. German Language. In mint condition. We can deliver the numbers 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 18, 28. (During ordering you can fill in the number you want te become.)
Zeunert's Schmalspur Bahnen (diverse numbers)
12,50 each
Zeunert: diverse years, softcover 96 pages, with photo's. German Language. We can deliver the numbers 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 39. All in mint condition. (During ordering you can fill in the number you want to become)
Deutsche Kriegslokomotiven 1939 bis1945
Gottwaldt, A.B.: 1998 Transpress Stuttgart, softcover 149 pages, with photo's and detailed information. German Language ISBN 334471032x In mint condition
Moderne Privatbahn in der Grafschaft Bentheim
Bentheimer Eisenbahn AG, ein Kleinbahn Buch
Herzog, Wolfgang: Ingrid Zeunert 1991 Gifhorn, softcover 162 pages, with photo's and folding-out of Bad-Bendheim and Nordhorn. History of the Line, the Trains and the Buildings. German Language. ISBN 3924335125 In mint condition
Lexikon Deutscher Privatbahnen
Strecken, Fahrzeuge und Betrieb zwischen Kuste und Alpen
Ringler, R: 2002 Geramond Munchen, hardcover 239 pages, with photo's and much data of the Trains, German Language ISBN 3765471747 In very good condition.
OBB/Austrian Federal Railways
Locomotives and Multiple Units
Garvin, Brian and Peter Fox: 1989 UK Platform 5, softcover 96 pages. Reference Book, with photo's ISBN 0906579872 English Language In very good condition
OBB Fahrzeuge
Lokomotiven und Triebwagen der Osterreichischen Bundebahnen
Inderst, M: 2002 Geramond Munchen, softcover 192 pages, with photo's. Reference Book of the Austrian Trains. ISBN 3932785193 In very good condition. German Language
Die Nordsee Inselbahnen
Rogl, Hans Wolfgang: 1980 Alba Dusseldorf, softcover 122 pages, with photo's. The Trains and Railways to the North German Islands. History with photo's. ISBN 3780945303 In very good condition. treinen
Der Reichsbahn Report 1945-1983
Tatsachen Legenden Hintergrunde
Preuss, E: 1993 Transpress Berlin, hardcover 240 pages, with photos. German Language ISBN 3344707892 In mint condition. Treinen
In 2 volumes
Braun, A: 1998 Geramond Munchen, softcover, together 384 pages. All the German Trains in 1998. Band 1) Lokomotiven und Triebwagen der Deutsche Bahn. Band 2) Reisezugwagen der Deutschen Bahn. ISBN 3932785134 and 393278510x In very good...
Die Akkumulator-Triebwagen
Der Preussisch-Hessischen Staatseisenbahnen und der Deutschen...
Troche, Hans: EK-Verlag 1997 Freiburg, hardcover 428 pages, with photo's. Referencework, history and diverse lists of trains. With inserted folding-out plans. ISBN 3882552034 German Language. In very good condition
Lokalbahnen in der Steiermark
Steiermarkische Landesbahnen
Strassle, M: Zeunert 1995 Gifhorst, hardcover 184 pages, with photo's. Referencework with lists and history. ISBN 3924335176 In very good condition. German Language
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