Shipdisasters / Diving Books

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Shipwrecks in the Americas Shipwrecks in the Americas
A Complete Guide to Every Major Shipwreck in the Western Hemisphere
Marx, R.F.: 1983 USA, hardcover with dust jacket, 482 pages, illustrated. A comprehensive guide that documents and describes numerous shipwrecks across the Americas, providing historical context, archaeological details, and the...
25.00 *
Dead Men's Silver Dead Men's Silver
The Story of Australia's Greatest Shipwreck Hunter
Edwards, H: 2011 Australia, softcover, 407 pages. In good condition, illustrated. Hugh Edwards recounts his thrilling adventures in locating historic shipwrecks, including treasures from the Dutch East Indiaman Vergulde Draeck and the...
20.00 *
The World's Richest Wrecks The World's Richest Wrecks
Marx, R.F. and J. Marx: 2009 USA, softcover, 420 pages, illustrated. a comprehensive guide to shipwrecks around the world, focusing on those with treasure cargoes valued at $10 million or more. The book features detailed maps, over 100...
24.50 *
Met Man en Muis Met Man en Muis
Uitspraken van de raad voor de scheepvaart 1909-1997
Bik, E.A.: 1997, Amsterdam, hardcover met papieromslag 176 blz., met foto's. Vele Nederlandse scheepscalamiteiten beschreven met daarbij de uitspraak en motivatie ISBN 9789067074667In goede staat
17.50 *
Treasures of the Armada Treasures of the Armada
Stenuit, R: 1972 UK, hardcover with dust jacket, 282 pages, illustrated. Robert Sténuit recounts the discovery and recovery of a Spanish Armada shipwreck off the coast of Ireland, which yielded a remarkable treasure trove after nearly...
16.50 *
Reefs, Wrecks & Relics Reefs, Wrecks & Relics
Bermuda Underwater Heritage
Gillies, W.B.: 2007 Bermuda, softcover, 128 pages, illustrated. Wrecks and artifacts in Bermuda waters ISBN 9781897403044 In very good condition
20.00 *
Eilanden der boze geesten Eilanden der boze geesten
De schipbreuk van de Batavia op de westkust van Australie, 1629 en het...
Edwards, H: 1990 Baarn, paperback 208 blz. ISBN 9060456068 In goede staat
14.50 *
Lost Gold of the Republic Lost Gold of the Republic
The Remarkable Quest for the Greatest Shipwreck Treasure of the Civil War Era
Vesilind, P.J.: 2005 USA, hardcover with dust jacket, 276 pages, illustrated. The captivating story of the SS Republic, a Civil War-era paddlewheel steamship that sank in 1865 off the coast of Georgia with a reported $400,000 in gold and...
19.50 *
Fatal Treasure Fatal Treasure
Smith, J: 2003 USA, softcover, 257 pages, illustrated. The relentless quest of Mel Fisher and his team to find the sunken Spanish galleon Atocha and recover its vast treasures from the seabed off the Florida coast. The book combines...
14.50 *
Khubilai Khans Lost Fleet Khubilai Khans Lost Fleet
Historys Greatest Naval Disasters
Delgado, J: 2009 UK, softcover 225 pages, illustrated. The failed 1281 Mongol invasion of Japan, which resulted in the destruction of the largest fleet in history before D-Day by a typhoon. The book combines historical research with...
14.50 *
The Nanking Cargo The Nanking Cargo
Hatcher, M: 1987 London, hardcover with dust jacket, 176 pages. Illustrated. The book recounts the thrilling underwater adventure of discovering, salvaging, and auctioning the cargo of the Geldermalsen, a Dutch East Indiaman that sank in...
45.00 *
Treasures of the Deep Treasures of the Deep
The Extraordinary Life and Times of Captain Mike Hatcher
Edwards, H: 2000 UK, softcover, 279 pages, with photos. an enthralling true story of Mike Hatcher, who began life in an English orphanage and became the most celebrated ocean salvor of modern times. The book recounts Hatcher's...
14.50 *
Op weg naar Zuid-Amerika Op weg naar Zuid-Amerika
De Torpedering van de Tubantia
Groot, Edward P. de: 1996 Alkmaar, softcover 192 Blz., geillustreerd. De mysterieuze torpedering van het schip Tubantia tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog, waarbij hij mythes en feiten rondom de lading en de omstandigheden van de aanval...
5.00 * 16.50 *
The discovery of the Bismarck The discovery of the Bismarck
Robert D. Ballard: 1990 UK, hardcover with dust jacket, 231 pages, History of the Bismarck, the sinking, the search, the finding and the research, with many images SBN 9780340529768 In good condition
14.50 *
Blunders & Disasters at Sea Blunders & Disasters at Sea
Blackmore, D: 2004 UK, hardcover with dust jacket, 244 pages, with photos. A collection of approximately 99 concise, well-researched stories detailing various maritime tragedies and mishaps . The book covers a wide range of incidents...
19.50 *
Het goud van de Lutine Het goud van de Lutine
Schatgravers voor de Nederlandse kust
Molen, S.J. van der: Bussum 1979, softcover 200 blz. met fotomateriaal. het verhaal van de zoektocht naar een enorme lading goud die verloren is gegaan toen het Britse schip de Lutine in 1799 zonk tussen Vlieland en Terschelling. De...
14.50 *
20 jaar calamiteiten in de Zeeuwse Wateren 20 jaar calamiteiten in de Zeeuwse Wateren
Vlies, P.A. van der: Zierikzee 2004, hardcover 154 blz... fotoboek met begeleidende teksten van scheepsongevallen in Zeeland. In zeer goede staat
19.50 *
Posted Missing Posted Missing
The drama of ships lost without trace in recent years
Villier, Alan: 1956 UK, hardcover with dustjacket 256 pages, with photo's. The book explores the mysterious disappearances of ships at sea without a trace in recent years. The author delves into the stories of these lost vessels,...
14.50 *
Tot ondergang gedoemd Tot ondergang gedoemd
Oorzaken en gevolgen van scheepsrampen
Sodenkamp, R.: 1976 Bussum, hardcover met papieromslag 171 blz. Zeer gedetailleerde beschrijvingen en achtergronden van diverse scheepsrampen. Met foto's en index. ISBN 9022819639 In zeer goede staat!
7.50 * 1,450.00 *
Schepen die Verdwenen | Webshop Schepen die Verdwenen
Over mysterieuze verdwijningen en onverklaarbare rampen ter zee
Dougall, Philip Mac: 1994 Baarn, paperback 161 blz., met foto's. ISBN 9789064102165 In goede staat
12.50 *
The Search for Sunken Treasure The Search for Sunken Treasure
Exploring the world's great shipwrecks
Marx, Robert F. and J. Marx: 1993 Swan Hill Press, hardcover with dust jacket 192 pages, with photo's and illustrations. The world's greatest shipwrecks, featuring over 100 photographs of treasures recovered from 70 different shipwrecks...
17.50 *
Treasure Treasure
A diver's life
Tucker, teddy: 2011 Bermuda, hardcover, 402 pages, illustrated. A lavishly illustrated memoir chronicling his seven decades of underwater exploration and treasure hunting, primarily around Bermuda. The book details his remarkable...
150.00 *
Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime Archeology Encyclopaedia of Underwater and Maritime...
Delgado, P: British Museum1997, hardcover with dust jacket, 493 pages. , illustrated. A comprehensive reference book covering the discovery and recovery of underwater archaeological remains worldwide, including shipwrecks, drowned...
125.00 *
Een zee te hoog Een zee te hoog
Scheepsrampen bij de Nederlandse Zeevisserij 1860-1976
Boelmans-Kranenburg, H.A.H.: 1979 Bussum, hardcover met papieromslag, 146 blz., lange overzichten van de scheepsrampen, met foto's. Boek over scheepsrampen bij de Nederlandse zeevisserij tussen 1860 en 1976. Het werk biedt een historisch...
14.50 *
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