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Master of the titanic
Lacey, Pat: 1997 UK, softcover 359 pages. Biography of Captain Smith. Captain of the Titanic. ISBN 1857762215 In very good condition
Titanic Waiting for Orders
The Story of Alexander James Littlejohn Steward to W.T. Stead, told by his...
Littlejohn, Philip: 1999 The Crescent Company 1999, hardcover with dustjacket 64 pages, illustrated. With the autograph of the author. ISBN 0953543609 In very good condition
Tyne to Titanic
The Story of Rescue Ship Carpathia
Smith, K: 1998 UK, softcover 28 pages, with photos. ISBN 9781857950243 In very good condition
Titanic, women and childeren first
Geller, J.B.: 1998 PSL Uk, hardcover, no dustjacket 224 pages. From the perspective of women and children ISBN 1852605944 No dustjacket as on image, otherwise in very good condition
The Titanic
The Full Story of a Tragedy
Davie, M: 1986 London, hardcover with dustjacket 245 pages, with some photo's
De laatste beelden van de gezonken oceaanreus
Ballard, Dr. Robert: gebonden met papieromslag 191 blz.. Bijna honderd jaar na de ondergang van het imposante passagiersschip biedt Ballard ons een laatste kans om kennis te nemen van het verhaal over het Titanic-wrak, voordat de...
Zuletzt angesehen