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Nederlandse lichtschepen Nederlandse lichtschepen
Burgers, Wibo: 1998 De Alk, softcover 96 blz., overzicht en geschiedenis van de Nederlandse lichtschepen, veel foto's ISBN 9789060130834 vuurtorens. In zeer goede staat
12,50  *
Leuchtfeuer Magazine Inhaltsverzeichnis Leuchtfeuer Magazine Inhaltsverzeichnis
Kern, K: 2014 Germany, softcover, 28 pages. Index of al articles in the Magazine Leuchtfeuer between 1992 and 2014. In very good condition
15,00  *
Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals, British Isles and North Coast France Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals,...
Vol A, NP 74
Collective: 1999 UK, softcover, 227 pages. A comprehensive publication providing detailed information on over 85,000 light structures, including lighthouses, lightships, lit floating marks, fog signals, and other navigational lights . It...
20,00  *
Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals
Southern and Eastern Sides of the North Sea
Collective: 1999 UK, softcover, 160 pages. A comprehensive publication providing detailed information on over 85,000 light structures, including lighthouses, lightships, lit floating marks, fog signals, and other navigational lights . It...
20,00  *
Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals, Mediterranean and Red Seas Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals,...
Vol E, NP 78
Collective: 2005 UK, softcover, 391 pages. A comprehensive publication providing detailed information on over 85,000 light structures, including lighthouses, lightships, lit floating marks, fog signals, and other navigational lights . It...
20,00  *
Admiralty list of Lights and Fog Signals Baltic Sea, Baltic Sea 2005 Admiralty list of Lights and Fog Signals Baltic...
Admiralty UK: 2005, softcover, 391 pages. Name, place, coordinates and other specifications. ISBN 9780707715452 In good condition
20,00  *
Fyrskepp i Sverige Fyrskepp i Sverige
Historien om fyrskeppsepoken 1831-1972
Werner, B: 1999 Sweden, hardcover with dust jacket, 239 pages, with photos, illustrations and maps. A comprehensive historical account of the Swedish lightship era from 1831 to 1972 . The book details the history of every lightship in...
75,00  *
Vuurtorens tussen dag en nacht Vuurtorens tussen dag en nacht
Voss, J: 2004 De Alk, hardcover met papieromslag, 143 blz. 64 blz. internationaal. P rachtig fotoboek dat de mooiste vuurtorens van Nederland en andere Europese landen in schemerlicht vastlegt, wat zorgt voor een bijzondere sfeer in de...
16,50  *
Nederlandse Vuurtorens, postzegelserie in map Post.nl Nederlandse Vuurtorens, postzegelserie in map...
Post.Nl: vanaf 2014. Map met informatie over 25 Nederlandse vuurtorens. Van elke vuurtoren speciale postzegelvellen met ieder 10 postzegels met opbergmogelijkheid in de map. Klanten konden zich hierop abonneren. Elke zegel heeft een...
150,00  *
The Worlds Lighthouses before 1820 The Worlds Lighthouses before 1820
Stevenson, A: 1959 Oxford UK, hardcover, 310 pages, illustrated. A comprehensive historical and technical account of lighthouses from ancient times to the early 19th century. The book details the evolution of lighthouse design,...
75,00  *
Brandaris Brandaris
Tot waarschouwinghe aller seevarende
Boomstra, Bauke: 1994, Assen, hardcover, 144 blz. Mooi uitgebreid boek met vele foto's en illustraties over deze vuurtoren. ISBN 9789023228998 In zeer goede staat.
14,50  *
Lighthouses of New England Lighthouses of New England
From the Maritimes to Montauk, USA
Davidson, David W.: 1990 UK, hardcover with dust jacket 127 pages, illustrated, history and design. ISBN 1555216757 In good condition
19,50  *
Het Nachtlicht van de Zee Het Nachtlicht van de Zee
Brusse, M.J.: 1921, Rotterdam, hardcover, 111 blz. Roman over de wachters op een lichtschip buiten de Maasmond. In zeer goede staat
16,50  *
Vuurtorens Vuurtorens
Over vierboeten, lichtwachters en markante bouwwerken
Veen, Romke van der: 1981 Bussum, hardcover, 160 blz., Goed boek over de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse vuurtorens, met veel afbeeldingen, ISBN 9022818594 In goede staat
6,50  * 14,50  *
De vuurtoren van Scheveningen De vuurtoren van Scheveningen
Havelaar, C: 1995 Rijswijk, softcover 72 blz., met foto's. Over de vuurtoren haar geschiedenis, de anatomie en de verhalen. ISBN 9038903944 In zeer goede staat
14,50  *
Let there be Light Let there be Light
Noseworthy, L.H.: 2005 Canadadian Coastguard, hardcover, 71 pages, illustrated by Noseworthy. Lighthouses of Newfoundland and Labrador. History of the Lighthouses. Signed by the illustrator, ISBN 0968746500 In very good condition
17,50  *
Nederlandse Vuurtorens en havenlichten Nederlandse Vuurtorens en havenlichten
in oude foto's en prentbriefkaarten
Rienks, H: 2002 Capelle ad IJssel, hardcover 112 blz., met vele mooie foto's en verklarende tekst, ISBN 9789073647398 In zeer goede staat
14,50  *
Bansemer's Book of Florida Lighthouses Bansemer's Book of Florida Lighthouses
Bansemer, R: 1999 USA, hardcover with dust jacket, 144 pages. Illustrated with the art of Bansemer, of the Florida Lighthouses, with history of each lighthouse and a map of the lighthouse location ISBN 9781561641727 In very good condition
19,50  *
Elbe 1 | Webhop Nautiek.nl Elbe 1
Feuerschiff der Sturme
Gerdau, K: 1988 Koehler Verlag, hardcover with dustjacket 132 pages, with photos and illustrations. History of this Lightship ISBN 378220459x In very good condition. German language
19,50  *
Vuurtorens Vuurtorens
Hoogstraten, Dorine van: 2000 Alphen a/d Rijn, hardcover met papieromslag 96 blz. Overzicht van de vuurtorens in Nederland, met foto's, achtergronden en geschiedenis. ISBN 9061139147 In goede staat.
10,00  *
Beacon on the rock | Webshop Nautiek.nl Beacon on the rock
The dramatic history of lighthouses from Ancient Greece to the present day
Williams, Peter: 2001 USA, hardcover with dust jacket, 192 pages. With many photos and history. ISBN 9780764153495 In very good condition
27,50  *
Philip Plisson Lighthouses Philip Plisson Lighthouses
Dreyer, F.: 2005 USA, hardcover with dustjacket 76 pages. Photos of the famous photographer Plisson of Lighthouses in the world, with text and illustrations ISBN 0810959585 In very good condition
14,50  *
Western Lighthouses Western Lighthouses
Olympic Peninsula to San Diego
Roberts, B. and R. Jones: 1993 USA, softcover 117 pages, with many photos. History and use of the lighthouses, Washington, Oregon, California ISBN 9781564401335 In very good condition
20,00  *
California Lighthouses California Lighthouses
Point St. George to the Gulf of Santa Catalina
Roberts, B and R. Jones: 1997 Canada, softcover 85 pages, with photos and history. ISBN 9780762700813 In very good condition
19,50  *
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