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Babicz, J: softcover, 48 pages, illustrated. Covers everything from mooring winches, to deck arrangements, to creating a towing plan ISBN 9788392515586 new
Babicz, J: softcover, 261 pages, illustrated. 2nd ed. The aim is to present an Onboard Stability Documentation standard to lower costs and make it easier to understand and apply. It should be of interest to ship design offices, ship...
Introduction to Machine Engineering
Babicz, J: Softcover, 172 pages, illustrated. The book consists of carefully prepared text based on publications issued by manufacturers of equipment typical for engine rooms of modern ships, rules and guidelines of class societies. This...
Babicz, J: softcover, 351 pages, illustrated. An essential guidebook for naval architects and shipowners interested in creating significant ships. Written and edited by Jan Babicz, the former Chief Designer of Gdansk Shipyard, Bureau...
Babicz, J: softcover, 220 pages, illustrated. 2nd ed. consists of systematic descriptions of various type of OSVs, from Seismic Research Vessels, through PSV, AHTS, Seabsea Support Vessels, Diving Support Vessels, Pipelaying Vessels,...
Verover mij dat land
Ham, Willem van der: Boom Amsterdam 2007, hardcover met papieromslag 430 blz. Over ingenieur Lely en zijn werken, geïllustreerd met foto's, illustraties en kaarten ISBN 9789085064374 In zeer goede staat
Kluijven, P.C.: De Alk softcover 158 blz. Gezien het internationale karakter van de scheepvaart is het duidelijk dat het gebruik van een maritieme standaardtaal noodzakelijk is om bij de communicatie tussen schip en wal, v.v. en schepen...
For on board the ships or office
Kluijven, P.C. van: Alk, sofcover 518 pages. Dictionary about navigation, engineering, safety, communication, inland navigation, chartering, insurance and logistics. For the Maritime industry. ISBN 9789059610903 New
For on board the ships or office
Kluijven, P.C. van: Alk, sofcover 528 pages. Dictionary about navigation, engineering, safety, communication, inland navigation, chartering, insurance and logistics. For the Maritime industry. ISBN 9789059611009 New
An Englisgh Course for Students at Maritime Colleges and for on-board...
Kluijven, P.C. van: softcover 416 blz., The International Maritime Languahe Programme (IMLP) is an well structured English monolingual textbook with diversified texts, tasks and projects, complemented and supplemented. Relecting an...
Nederlands/Engels en Engels/Nederlands
Kluijven, P.C. van: De Alk, hardcover 294 blz.. 1e deel woordenboek en het 2e deel een handboek, met daarin de Engelse termen zoals die op de brug, in de machinekamer en via de marifoon op schepen worden gebruikt. Tevens worden worden de...
Abbenhues, T: 2016, softcover 62 pages. This book is meant to help the beginning officer and student getting a better understanding of stability. It contains the basic explanations in a simple manner with some tricks and advises ISBN...
Buczkowska, W: Dokmar, hardcover 240 pages. MarEngine English Underway is a nautical-technical English textbook which can be used as a practical educational tool for self-study. It helps students to organize and visualize the vocabulary...
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