Trams / Metro / Lightrail

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Smalspoor in Nederland Smalspoor in Nederland
Sluijters, H: 1985 Alk, softcover, 144 blz., geïllustreerd. Over de trajecten, de treintjes, de locaties etc., met veel gegevens ISBN 9060139232 In goede staat
12,50 *
De Gooische Moordenaar De Gooische Moordenaar
Engel, W.I.: 1981 Schoorl, hardcover, 144 blz., met vele afbeeldingen. Geschiedenis van de Gooische Stoomtram. Over de trams, de diensten en de voorvallen ISBN 9064550247 In zeer goede staat
14,50 *
A History of the British Steam Tram, volume 1 A History of the British Steam Tram, volume 1
Gladwin, D: 2004 UK, hardcover, 176 pages, illustrated. Detailed history about the individual Steam Trams and services ISBN 9781874422280 In very good condition
45,00 *
De Goederenwagens van de Nederlandse tramwegen De Goederenwagens van de Nederlandse tramwegen
Dijkers, A: 1996 Haarlem, softcover, 272 blz., geïllustreerd. Zeer gedetailleerd overzicht van alle wagons met hun geschiedenis ISBN 9789060974049 In zeer goede staat
17,50 *
Rollend materieel bij de Buurtspoorwegen 1885-1991 Rollend materieel bij de Buurtspoorwegen 1885-1991
Block, J: 1997, Brussel, hardcover, 308 blz., met foto's en illustraties. Geschiedenis van de buurtspoorwegen in België, ofwel de trams en lichte spoorwegen ISBN 9789074760058 In zeer goede staat
45,00 *
Les trams chocolat bruxellois / De Brusselse Chocolattentrams Les trams chocolat bruxellois / De Brusselse...
Ostende, C. van den: 2003 Belgie, softcover, 60 blz., geïllustreerd. Geschiedenis van de bruin gekleurde zogenaamde Chocolatten trams in Brussel. ISBN 9077049053 In zeer goede staat. Frans-Nederlandse taal
25,00 *
Gentse oude trams Gentse oude trams
Langs middeleeuwse glans
Ostende, C. van den: 2002, België, softcover, 98 blz., met vele foto's en informatie van de trams en hun geschiedenis, ISBN 9077049045 In zeer goede staat
25,00 *
Trams et Trolleybus en Province de Liege Trams et Trolleybus en Province de Liege
Evrard, J: 2001 Liege Transfer, softcover 79 pages, with many photos. The Trams and Trolleybuses of Liege in history, with much information. In very good condition. French language
24,50 *
Bangkok. Evolution of the Rail, development of the city Bangkok. Evolution of the Rail, development of...
Rail Transport for the better life of Bangkok Residents
Diverse Authors: 2008 Bangkok, softcover 132 pages. The new Metro in Bangkok, with many photo's. In English and Thai language. In good condition
45,00 *
Trams in Eastern Europe Trams in Eastern Europe
Taplin, M. and M. Russell: 2003 UK Capital, softcover 120 pages, with photos and text of the Trams. ISBN 9781854142733 In very good condition
12,50 *
Regionaltriebwagen Regionaltriebwagen
Neue Fahrzeuge fur Deutschlands Nahverkehr
Riechers, D: 1998 Transpress, hardcover 189 pages, with photos. The Lightrails and trains of Adtranz, Alstom, Bombardier, Integral, Siemens and Stadler. ISBN 9783613710894 In very good condition
20,00 *
50 Jahre Einheitsstrassenbahnwagen 50 Jahre Einheitsstrassenbahnwagen
Der weg bis zum KSW
Bauer, G./ L. Schmidt: 1994 Freiburg, hardcover 143 pages, with photos and plans. ISBN 3882553294 In very good condition
25,00 *
Strassenbahnen zu Ulbrichts Zeiten Strassenbahnen zu Ulbrichts Zeiten
Trams in der DDR, Die 60er Jahre in Farbe
Wiegard, Heym: 2002 Geramond Munchen, hardcover with dustjacket 127 pages, with many photos and details of the trams. ISBN 9783765472022 In very good condition
42,50 *
Die Juister Inselbahn Die Juister Inselbahn
Nebenbahndokumentation Band 38
Nolte, E: 1998 Nordhorn, hardcover 108 pages, with many photos. History of the Service and the Trains. ISBN 3927587877 In very good condition
85,00 *
Stadtbahn Berlin Stadtbahn Berlin
Erlebniswelt auf Schienen und Radern
Mihailescu, P.M.: 1987 Hamburg, hardcover 120 pages, with photos. History. ISBN 9005033430269 In very good condition
12,50 *
Strassenbahnen in Osterreich Strassenbahnen in Osterreich
Kaiser, W: 2004 Geramond Munchen, hardcover 223 pages, with photos. History of the Services and the Trams. ISBN 9783765471988 In very good condition
25,00 *
Album der deutschen Strassenbahn- und Stadtbahnfahrzeuge 1948-2005 Album der deutschen Strassenbahn- und...
Reuther, A: 2005 Geramond Munchen, hardcover with dustjacket 128 pages, with many photos. The tramways and lightrail in detail. ISBN 9783765471414 In very good condition
35,00 *
Strassenbahn-Betriebe in Osteuropa II/ Tramway Systems of Eastern Europe II Strassenbahn-Betriebe in Osteuropa II/ Tramway...
Archiv Nr. 32
Lehnhart, H. and C. Jeanmaire: 1977 Verlag Eisenbahn, hardcover 352 pages, with many photos and detailed information of the Trams. Also maps of the services. ISBN 3856490329 In good condition
17,50 *
Wiener Strassenbahnwagen Wiener Strassenbahnwagen
Technik und fotos
Laula, A. and A Rosenkranz: 1983 Wien, hardcover 112 pages. History of the Lightrail Trains with much detailed information ISBN 3854160925 In very good condition
22,50 *
Die Strassenbahnen in Ostdeutschland band 3 Die Strassenbahnen in Ostdeutschland band 3
Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Bauer, G. and N. Kuschinski: 1994 Aachen, softcover 87 pages, with many photos and detailed information of the Lightrail Trains and her services. In very good condition. German language. ISBN 3921679818
15,00 *
Strassen- und Stadtbahnen in Deutschland, Hessen Strassen- und Stadtbahnen in Deutschland, Hessen
Holtge, D. and H. Kohler: 1984 Eisenbahn Kurier Freiburg, hardcover 332 pages with many photos and detailed information about the Lightrail Trains and her Services. ISBN 3882553308 In very good condition
19,50 *
Die Braunschweiger Strassenbahn Die Braunschweiger Strassenbahn
Personen-Nahverkehr in Braunschweig
Holtge, D: 1997 Geramond Munchen Germany, hardcover 159 pages, wit many photos and detailed information about the Lightrailtrains, busses and services ISBN 9783932785009 In very good condition
19,50 *
Deutsches Strassen- und Stadtbahnen Deutsches Strassen- und Stadtbahnen
Band 3 Sudliches Baden-Wurttemberg
Holtge, D: 1979 Zeunert Germany, hardcover 278 pages, with many photos and details of the lightrail trains and the services. German language ISBN 3921237548 In very good condition
22,50 *
Trams in der Schweiz Trams in der Schweiz
Von Basel bis Zurich, Strassenbahn betriebe einst und jetzt
Bernet, R: 2000 Germanond Munchen, hardcover 143 pages, with many photos and detailed information ISBN 9783932785078 In very good condition
15,00 *
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