Oude Maritieme Brochures Int.

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Brochure Orient Line RMS Otranto Brochure Orient Line RMS Otranto
20.000 tons
Orient Line: 1930 UK, softcover, 16 pages. Photo-booklet with the interior of this Liner with a service between England and Australia. In very good condition
55,00 *
Brochure Orient Line RMS Orontes Brochure Orient Line RMS Orontes
Orient Line: 1930 UK, softcover, 16 pages. Photo-booklet with the interior of this Liner with a service between England and Australia. In very good condition
55,00 *
Brochure HAL Passage Fares 1968 Brochure HAL Passage Fares 1968
New York and Canada
Holland-America Line: 1968, softcover, 47 pages, with photos of the ships, fares and information. In very good condition
10,00 *
Deckpplan Lloyd Triestino Europa Deckpplan Lloyd Triestino Europa
Lloyd Triestino: 1967 Italy, folding-out deck plan with all the details of the private and public rooms. Lloyd Triestino's MS Europa was launched in 1952 as part of a fleet of motor liners designed for long-distance passenger services,...
35,00 *
Deckplan Lloyd Triestino ms Africa Deckplan Lloyd Triestino ms Africa
Lloyd triestino: 1964 Italy, softcover folding-out, 49x35cm, All the decks in detail. Lloyd Triestino's MS Africa was launched on January 24, 1951, and completed her maiden voyage from Genoa to Cape Town in February 1952, serving as one...
35,00 *
Deckplan Lloyd Triestino ms Victoria Deckplan Lloyd Triestino ms Victoria
Lloyd Triestino: 1967 Italy, softcover folding-out, 49x35cm, with all the decks in detail. The second MS Victoria, launched in 1953 by Lloyd Triestino, was part of a series of modern ocean liners designed for long-distance travel to the...
35,00 *
Deck Plan m.s. Prinsendam Deck Plan m.s. Prinsendam
Holland-America Line: 1973 Rotterdam, softcover folding-out, with the decks in detail and the lay-out of the accommodations and with photos of them. In very good condition
20,00 *
Deckplan Lloyd Triestino G.Marconi Deckplan Lloyd Triestino G.Marconi
Lloyd Triestino: 1967 Italy, softcover folding-out, with the details of all decks and side-profile of the ship. The SS Guglielmo Marconi, launched in 1961 and completed in 1963, was an Italian ocean liner that initially served Lloyd...
35,00 *
Passenger List Canadian Pacific 1937 Passenger List Canadian Pacific 1937
With the Empress of Britain from Quebec to Cherbourg-Southampton
Canadian Pacific: 1937 Canada, softcover, 24 pages. With a list of the passengers, information, route of the ship and advertisements. In very good condition
42,50 *
Paquebot Antilles, Compagnie Generale Transatlatique Paquebot Antilles, Compagnie Generale...
CGT: 1955 France, softcover map with a fold-out table to poster size showing the longitudinal section of the ship with indications of the compartments. Also with photos of the ship and her interior. In very good condition
75,00 *
Brochure Relaxation at Sea with the MV Victoria Brochure Relaxation at Sea with the MV Victoria
Adriatica: 1974, softcover, 3 pages, with information and illustrations of the cruise. In very good condition
10,00 *
The Orient Line The Landsman's Lexicon The Orient Line The Landsman's Lexicon
Orient Line: 1952 UK, softcover 32 pages. Special booklet for Orient Line Passengers with explanations of Shipping Terms. In very good condition
25,00 *
Brochure Royal Mail Lines Andes et Alcantara Brochure Royal Mail Lines Andes et Alcantara
Royal Mail Lines: Ca. 1959 UK, softcover 12 pages, with photos of the interior of both ships. In good condition. French language. 24x18cm. In very good condition
45,00 *
Brochure Ferrie Orkney and Shetlands 1967 Brochure Ferrie Orkney and Shetlands 1967
North of Scotland Orkney and Shetland Shipping Company ltd.: 1967 Scotland, softcover 44 pages. Information and photos of the ship and interior of the Mv St. Clair and St. Ninian. Also some photos of other ships of the company. In very...
15,00 *
Brochure Greek Line Sailing Schedule 1963 Brochure Greek Line Sailing Schedule 1963
Greek Line: 1963 Greece, softcover 7 pages, with photos and information of the tss Olympia and the qss Arkadia. In very good condition
15,00 *
Brochure Greek Line QSS Arkadia Brochure Greek Line QSS Arkadia
Bremerhaven-Amsterdam-London-Le Havre-Cobh-Montreal
Greek Line: 1958 Italy, softcover folding-out, 14 pages, with photos of the ship and her interior. In very good condition
25,00 *
Brochure m/v Sarek Brochure m/v Sarek
Grangesberg: 1960 Stockholm, softcover folding-out 5 pages, with photos. About the education of cadets aboard this Swedish education ship. In very good condition
12,50 *
Booklet Ports Served by Royal Mail Lines and The Pacific Steam Navigation Company Booklet Ports Served by Royal Mail Lines and...
with maps
Diverse authors: 1965 UK, softcover 12 pages, with coloured maps and information, also 2 fleetlists. In very good conditon
12,50 *
Brochure Donaldson Line Scotland-Canada Brochure Donaldson Line Scotland-Canada
Donaldson Line: Ca. 1959 Scotland, softcover folding-out 10 pages, with photos of the interior of the Lismoria and Laurentia. In very good condition
25,00 *
Deckplan m.s. Mikhail Lermontov Deckplan m.s. Mikhail Lermontov
Baltic Shipping Company: ca. 1980 USSR, softcover 14 pages, with the decks in detail and photos of the rooms and public rooms on the ship. In very good condition
25,00 *
Brochure B.I. Services, On World Trade Routes Brochure B.I. Services, On World Trade Routes
British India Steam Navigation Company: 1959 UK, softcover 16 pages. All the routes on maps, many ships on photos and a fleetlist. In very good condition
25,00 *
Brochure SMN 1913 L'Algerie Brochure SMN 1913 L'Algerie
Entre L'Europe et L'Algérie De parts de Southampton, Lisbonne et Gènes
Stoomvaart Maatschappij Nederland: 1913, Amsterdam, softcover, 20 pages, with photos and fleet list. In good condition. French language
55,00 *
Brochure Go Empress to Canada Brochure Go Empress to Canada
Empress of Scotland, Empress of France, Empress of Australia
Canadian Pacific: 1954 Canada, softcover, 28 pages. Photo brochure in color of the interiors of the ships. In very good condition
55,00 *
Brochure R.M.S. Windsor Castle Brochure R.M.S. Windsor Castle
Great new Flagship of the Sunshine Fleet
Union Castle Line: 1959 UK, softcover folding-out till poster format, with photos of the interior and illustrations of the new ship. In very good condition
55,00 *
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