Maritieme Techniek Boeken

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The Sextant Handbook The Sextant Handbook
Adjustment, Repair, Use and History
Bauer, B: 1986 USA, hardcover with dust jacket, 191 pages, illustrated. A comprehensive guide that explores the history, maintenance, and practical use of sextants, emphasizing their reliability compared to electronic navigation devices....
17,50 *
Brochure Industrie motoren Alphen ad Rijn Brochure Industrie motoren Alphen ad Rijn
Industrie: 1965 Alphen ad Rijn, softcover, 16 blz., met foto's en informatie over de motoren en het bedrijf. In zeer goede staat
27,50 *
Brochure MAN B&W Diesel Engine L 48/60 Brochure MAN B&W Diesel Engine L 48/60
MAN B&W: 1995 Germany, softcover, 6 pages, with photo, technical drawings, information and specifications. In very good condition. German language
20,00 *
Scheepskennis, een moderne encyclopedie Scheepskennis, een moderne encyclopedie
Dokkum, K. van: 2003 Dokmar Enkhuizen, hardcover 365 blz., met foto's en illustraties. Een uitgebreid naslagwerk over schepen en scheepvaart. Het boek behandelt in zestien hoofdstukken alle aspecten van moderne commerciƫle schepen,...
27,50 *
2 brochures Vryhof Anchoring oilplatforms 2 brochures Vryhof Anchoring oilplatforms
Vryhof: ca, 1995 The Netherlands, softcover. Both 5 pages, with photos, information and technical drawings. In very good condition
15,00 *
Brochure Krupp, Deck Cranes Brochure Krupp, Deck Cranes
Krupp: 2001 Germany, softcover, 10 pages, with photos, technical drawings and information. In very good condition
15,00 *
Brochure M.A.N. Diesel ship engines Brochure M.A.N. Diesel ship engines
M.A.N.: 1960 Augsburg, softcover, folding-out, witrh photo and specifications of thr models GV, GZ, KZ, DZ, M, WV, LV and VV, with some perfarator holes. In good condition
20,00 *
Brochure M.A.N. M-Scheepsdieselmotoren Brochure M.A.N. M-Scheepsdieselmotoren
M.A.N.: ca. 1956, softcover, 12 blz, met een overzicht van de M-modellen scheepsdieselmotoren. Met foto's en tekeningen. De modellen D 0022 M, D 0024 M, D 0026 M, D1246 M, D 1548 M, D 1548 MT. In zeer goede staat
35,00 *
Lijst van onderdeelen voor Brons-Viertact Injectie-Motor C Lijst van onderdeelen voor Brons-Viertact...
Brons: 1936 Appingedam, softcover, 42 blz., geillustreerd. Overzicht van de diverse types C motoren en hun onderdelen. In zeer goede staat
55,00 *
Handleiding Brons Type ED Handleiding Brons Type ED
Brons: 1958 Appingedam. Map in 2 delen. Een deel de handleiding en het andere deel alle onderdelen van het ED-type, met al zijn variaties. In zeer goede staat
85,00 *
Coastal, Estuarial and Harbour Engineers Reference Book Coastal, Estuarial and Harbour Engineers...
Abbott, M.B. and W.A. Price: 1994 UK, hardcover, 736 pages, illustrated. Academic Book. A comprehensive guide that brings together expert knowledge on coastal engineering, covering both traditional topics and emerging areas of...
65,00 *
Catalogus Clarke, Chapman & Co. Winch Book Catalogus Clarke, Chapman & Co. Winch Book
Winch Parts Reference Book
Clarke, Chapman & CO.: 1910 Gateshead-on-Tyne, softcover, about 60 pages, illustrated. Order book for parts of winches made by this company. In very good condition
45,00 *
Strandings and their Causes Strandings and their Causes
Cahill, R.A.: 1985 Fairplay UK, softcover 239 pages, illustrated. Academic book about this subject. A comprehensive examination of ship groundings and their underlying factors. The book takes a critical look at ship operational...
27,50 *
Motoren voor de watersport en kleine beroepsvaartuigen Motoren voor de watersport en kleine...
Handleiding voor inbouw, onderhoud en reparatie van bootmotoren
Zuilekom, K.M. van: 1972 Kluwer Deventer, inzichtelijke foto's en illustraties. In zeer goede staat. ISBN 902016244 In zeer goede staat
15,00 *
Marine Diesel Engines Marine Diesel Engines
Pounder, C.C.: 1972 UK, hardcover, 737 pages, illustrated. The fifth edition of "Pounder's Marine Diesel Engines" updates the field with advances in two-stroke and four-stroke engine designs, emphasizing developments in turbocharging,...
45,00 *
Marine Engine Room Blue Book Marine Engine Room Blue Book
Eglinton, W.D.: 1984, third edition, USA, softcover, 322 pages, illustrated. The Marine Engine Room Blue Book by William D. Eglinton serves as a comprehensive resource for individuals preparing for engine room examinations, particularly...
20,00 *
Brochure MAN B&W L27/38-VBS propulsion systems Brochure MAN B&W L27/38-VBS propulsion systems
MAN B&W: 2004 Denmark, softcover, 18 pages, with many photos, illustrations and information. In very good condition
15,00 *
Brochure MAN B&W Marine Gensets Brochure MAN B&W Marine Gensets
MAN B&W: 2005 Denmark, softcover, 18 pages, illustrated. Special generator sets for ships. In very good condition
15,00 *
Westinghouse Catalogue of Marine Equipment Westinghouse Catalogue of Marine Equipment
Westinghouse: 1925 Pittsburgh USA, hardcover, 528 pages, illustrated. A comprehensive guide that includes detailed information on Westinghouse's marine equipment, such as geared turbine machinery, along with useful notes on navigation,...
95,00 *
First Joint Conference on Marine Safety and Environment Ship Production First Joint Conference on Marine Safety and...
Hengst, S. en J. Klein Woud: 1992 Delft University Press, hardcover, 943 pages, illustrated. Academic book. ISBN 9062758703 In very good condition
75,00 *
Marine Painting Manual Marine Painting Manual
Berendsen, A.M.: 1989 Kluwer, hardcover, 306 pages, illustrated. Academic Book. Comprehensive guidelines for the protection of marine structures, vessels, and offshore platforms through effective painting techniques. This updated edition...
95,00 *
Leerboek in vragen en antwoorden over het Stoomwerktuig Leerboek in vragen en antwoorden over het...
En zijne toepassingen op, Mijnwerken, Molens, Stoomvaart, Spoorwegen en Landbouw
Bourne, J en Aken, P.A. van: 1976 Buisonje, Nieuwediep. U itgebreide gids die de theorie en praktische toepassingen van stoommachines behandelt, inclusief hun gebruik in mijnwerken, molens, stoomvaart, spoorwegen en landbouw. Het boek...
200,00 *
Steel Ships, their contruction and maintenance Steel Ships, their contruction and maintenance
Walton, T and J. Baird: 1950 London, hardcover, 280 pages, with many fold-out plates of construction. A comprehensive manual that focuses on the construction and maintenance of steel ships, targeting shipbuilders, ship superintendents,...
60,00 *
Verhandeling over de Scheepsbouwkunde als Wetenschap Verhandeling over de Scheepsbouwkunde als...
zamengesteld vooral met het oog op het geheel stelselmatig ontwerpen van...
Tideman, B.J.: 1859, Amsterdam, hardcover, 345 blz., met uitvouwbare bladen van ontwerpen. Academisch boek over de scheepsbouw in de overgang van de zeilvaart naar de stoomvaart. Het boek richt zich op de systematische ontwikkeling van...
275,00 *
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