Maritieme Naslagwerken

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Jane's Fighting ships 1961-62 Jane's Fighting ships 1961-62
Jane's: 1963 UK, hardcover, 438 pages, with all the information of the warships Worldwide, with photo, specifications and history notes. In good condition (Because of weight, no sending outside Europe)
45,00 *
Jane's Fighting ships 1960-61 Jane's Fighting ships 1960-61
Jane's: 1961 UK, hardcover, 437 pages, with all the information of the warships Worldwide, with photo, specifications and history notes. In good condition (Because of weight, no sending outside Europe)
45,00 *
Encyclopedie van de Zeilvaart Encyclopedie van de Zeilvaart
Algemene scheepstermen, mast, tuigage zeilen, scheepstypes, navigatie,...
Diverse schrijvers: 1979 Bussum, hardcover met papieromslag 352 blz. Veel gedetailleerde afbeeldingen van onderdelen uit de grote zeilvaart, met uitleg. ISBN 9022819809 In zeer goede staat
17,50 *
All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-1921 All the World's Fighting Ships 1906-1921
Conways: 1986 Conways Maritime Books, hardcover 439 pages. All the worlds fighting ships. With photos, specifications and history. ISBN 0851772455 In very good condition. (Because of weight, no sending outside Europe, or some additional...
65,00 *
The Mariners Handbook The Mariners Handbook
Fifth edition 1978
Ritchie, G.S.: Hydrographic Department, 1971, hardcover 131 pages, illustrated. A comprehensive reference guide for maritime navigation, providing clear guidance on topics such as charts, sea conditions, meteorology, and maritime...
17,50 *
Skipsregister 1947, Det Norske Veritas Skipsregister 1947, Det Norske Veritas
Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Finnland, Island
Collective: 1947 Oslo, hardcover, 833 pages. All registered ships with all the details of each ship, like name, builder, owner, tonnage, measures, engines, years etc., etc. English and Norwegian language. In good condition. (Because of...
95,00 *
Alamanak INSA 1981 Alamanak INSA 1981
Collective: Indonesian National Shipowners Association: 1981 Indonesia. In this book the shipowners with all the ships categorized by shipowner, with specifications and name of the ship. Partly in English. In good condition
55,00 *
Lloyd's List of shipowners (Divers Years) Lloyd's List of shipowners (Divers Years)
Lloyd's: Diverse Years, hardcover, about 400 pages. All the shipowners in the World, of seagoing ships, with their actual fleet. Name of ship, year built and Grt.. We can deliver the years 1970-71, 1977-78, 1978-79, 1986-87. When...
19,50 *
Wyt's digest of Dutch shipping and shipbuilding (diverse years) Wyt's digest of Dutch shipping and shipbuilding...
Various writers: diverse years, Rotterdam, hardcover 340 pages, with many photos. An extensive book with an overview of all activities of that year, such as complete fleet lists of the Netherlands Merchant Navy, overview of shipping...
19,50 *
Moormans Jaarboek (diverse jaren) Moormans Jaarboek (diverse jaren)
Per stuk € 17,50
Moorman: Hardcover ca. 300 blz. Per deel met een compleet overzicht van de Nederlandse Koopvaardij. Een overzicht van alle schepen en hun gegevens. Delen in zeer goede staat. Te leveren de delen; 1952, 1954, 1956 (rug iets minder), 1957,...
17,50 *
Scheepvaart (diverse jaargangen) Scheepvaart (diverse jaargangen)
Boer, G.J. de: Yearly publication with The data of all Dutch Shipowners with their ships, with Many photos. Between 168 and 800 pages, depending on the year. We can deliver the years 1977/ 1978/ 1979/ 1980/ 1982/ 1981/ 1983/ 1984/ 1985/...
9,50 *
Shipbuilding Cyclopedia Shipbuilding Cyclopedia
Webster, F.B.: 1920 USA, hardcover, 1119 pages, with many photos of equipment and folding-out plans of ships. Reference book for shipbuilding, very heavy, more than 5 kgs. Spine has been taped, The book itself is in good condition....
225,00 *
Maritieme encyclopedie in 7 delen Maritieme encyclopedie in 7 delen
Beylen, J. van e.a.: 1970, Bussum, Hardcover gezamenlijk +/- 2500 blz. Zeer uitgebreide encyclopedie over alles wat met de zee, scheepvaart, binnenvaart, visserij, scheepsbouw, geschiedenis, marine etc. te maken heeft. Met afbeeldingen....
75,00 *
Jane's Fighting Ships Facsimile (Diverse Years) Jane's Fighting Ships Facsimile (Diverse Years)
€ 25,00 each
Janes: Standard work of reference on the navies of the world. Old volumes again printed in 1969. We can deliver, 1905-06, 1906-07, 1914, 1919, 1924, 1931, 1950-51. In good condition. During the order procedure, you can write which volume...
25,00 *
Jane's Merchant Ships 1982 Jane's Merchant Ships 1982
Janes: 1982 USA, hardcover 1046 pages. Sea-going ships worldwide, with side profile drawing and specifications as former name and date of mutation. Also, the new ships of 1981. ISBN 0710601689 In good condition. (Because of weight, no...
27,50 *
The Oxford Companion to Ships & the Sea The Oxford Companion to Ships & the Sea
Kemp, Peter: 1979 Oxford, Hardcover with dust jacket, 971 pages. Illustrated. Extended maritime reference work. From historical to actual, ISBN 0192115537 In very good condition
24,50 *
Ocean Ships (diverse years) Ocean Ships (diverse years)
Each € 5,00
Hornsby, David or Bert Moody: hardcover appr. 300 pages. All sea-going ships Categorized by Country and Company, with many photos, and details of each ship. We can deliver the years 1971, 1978, 1982, 1986, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2004, 2006...
5,00 * 25,00 *
Fortegnelse over Norske-OG Handelsfartoyer 1961 Fortegnelse over Norske-OG Handelsfartoyer 1961
Collective: 1961 Norway, softcover, 163 pages. List of signals of all Norwegian ships. Every ship name, signal code, tonnage, home harbor, type of ship. Norwegian-English language. In very good condition
16,50 *
Amtliche Liste der Seeschiffe 1960 Amtliche Liste der Seeschiffe 1960
Unterscheidungssignalen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Collective: 1960 Germany, hardcover, 141 pages. List of signals of all German ships. Every ship name, signal code, tonnage, home harbor, type of ship. German language
16,50 *
Liste des Signaux Distinctifs and Indicatifs Internationaux des Stations Francaises 1961 Liste des Signaux Distinctifs and Indicatifs...
Collective: 1961 France, softcover, 220 pages. List of signals of all French ships. Every ship name, signal code, tonnage, home harbor, type of ship. French language
16,50 *
Signal Letters of British Ships 1960 Signal Letters of British Ships 1960
For the use of ships at sea and signal stations for 1960
Collective: 1960 Her Majesty's Stationary Office, hardcover, 122 pages, with all the information. In very good condition. Merchant Marine and Navy
16,50 *
Lexicon van de watersport, visserij, koopvaardij, marine en bruine vloot Lexicon van de watersport, visserij,...
Wijk, J. van der: 1996 softcover 341 blz., Betekenis van alle maritieme woorden en begrippen, ISBN 9050183700 In zeer goede staat
10,00 *
Scheepvaarttermen Scheepvaarttermen
Handboek voor handel en scheepvaart
Bes, J: 1953 Amsterdam, hardcover 281 blz., Vol met scheepvaarttermen van de actuele scheepvaart die uitgebreid worden uitgelegd. In goede staat
14,50 *
Oosthoeks Lexicons Scheepvaart Oosthoeks Lexicons Scheepvaart
Diverse auteurs: Utrecht 1966, softcover 243 blz., vademecum termen, uitdrukkingen en gezegden op Maritiem gebied in de breedste zin, geillustreerd. In goede staat
6,50 * 14,50 *
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