Buitenlandse Koopvaardijboeken

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Know Your Ships 2000 Know Your Ships 2000
Guide to Boats & Boatwatching, Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Seaway
LeLievre, R: 2000 USA, softcover, 145 pages, illustrated. A comprehensive annual guide for enthusiasts of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway vessels, offering detailed information on ships, their owners, ports of registry, and vital...
16,50 *
Net binnen
Ben Line Ben Line
Fleet list and Short History
Somner, Graeme: 1980 World Ship Society, softcover 120 pages, with many photographs ISBN 0905617118 In very good condition
12,50 *
Net binnen
Sea Shell Sea Shell
The Story of Shells British Tanker Fleets 1892-1992
Howarth, S.: 1992 UK, hardcover with dustjacket 216 pages, with photo's, index and fleet list. The history of Shell's British tanker fleets from 1892 to 1992, exploring their development, operations, and impact on maritime shipping. The...
35,00 *
Net binnen
The Fleet of Leif Hoegh and Co. A/S 1928-1988 The Fleet of Leif Hoegh and Co. A/S 1928-1988
Olaisen, T. a.o.: 1988 Leif Hoegh, softcover 96 pages. The historical fleet. photo, history, specifications. In very good condition. Merchant fleet Norway
35,00 *
Net binnen
Merchant Fleets 19, White Star Line Merchant Fleets 19, White Star Line
Oceanic Steam Navigation Company
Haws, Duncan: 1990, softcover 104 pages. All the ships with detailed side profile drawings, specifications and history. A detailed account of the history and fleet of the White Star Line, a prominent British shipping company renowned for...
19,50 *
Net binnen
Merchant Fleets 21, Port Line Merchant Fleets 21, Port Line
with Corry, Royden, Tyser and Milburn
Haws, D: 1990 UK, softcover 90 pages. All the ships in detail, their history and a detailed side-profile drawing on scale. A detailed history of the Port Line and its predecessor companies—James P. Corry, Thos B. Royden, G.D. Tyser, and...
19,50 *
Net binnen
Merchant Fleets 23, Canadian Pacific Merchant Fleets 23, Canadian Pacific
Canadian Pacific
Haws, D: 1992 UK, softcover 160 pages. All the ships in detail, their history and a detailed side-profile drawing on scale. A detailed history of the Canadian Pacific shipping fleet, including its luxury liners, cargo ships, and their...
19,50 *
Net binnen
Merchant Fleets 24, Britain's Railway Steamers Merchant Fleets 24, Britain's Railway Steamers
Haws, Duncan: 1993 UK, softcover 230 pages, illustrated with side profiles of all ships. An overview of the steamships operated by British railway companies, focusing on the fleets of Western and Southern companies, as well as their...
19,50 *
K.u.K. Dampfschiffe K.u.K. Dampfschiffe
Kriegs, Handels und Passagierschiffe in alten Photographien
Pietsch, O: 1982 Orac Wien, hardcover with dust jacket 224 pages. Photo's with detailed information of the Austrian-Hungary Fleet between 1860 and 1914. With index ISBN 3853689043 In very good condition
25,00 *
From Sail to Steam From Sail to Steam
a short history of British shipping from the time of Alfred the Great to the...
Breton-Martin, E. Le: 1924West Hartlepool, softcover, 72 pages, including advertisements, illustrated. The book likely covers the significant transition in maritime technology from sailing ships to steam-powered vessels, detailing the...
25,00 *
Die Seeschiffe des Norddeutschen Lloyd 1857 bis 1970 Die Seeschiffe des Norddeutschen Lloyd 1857 bis...
Kludas, Arnold: 1998 Augsburg, hardcover 168 pages, With all the ships, their specifications, their history and and a photograph. ISBN 9783860472620 In very good condition
27,50 *
Rickmers Rickmers
150 jahre Schiffbau und Schiffahrt
Kludas, A: 1984 Koehlers Verlag, hardcover with dust jacket 128 pages. History with historical fleet list of the company and the built ships of the yard. ISBN 3782203437 In very good condition. German language
24,50 *
F. Laeisz F. Laeisz
Vom Frachtsegler zum Kuhlschiff, Containerschiff und Bulk Carrier
Prager, H.G.: 1974 Herford, hardcover with dustjacket 192 pages. History of the company and her ships. With large extended fleet list. ISBN 3782206177 In very good condition
25,00 *
De Belgische scheepvaart in beeld De Belgische scheepvaart in beeld
La navigation Belge en images
Elst, A. ver: 1977 Zaltbommel, hardcover 166 blz. Mooi fotografisch beeld met onderschrift. ISBN 9028800417 Met kleine sporen van gebruik
24,50 *
Merchant Fleets 5 Merchant Fleets 5
Royal Mail Line and Nelson Line
Haws, Duncan: 1982 UK, softcover 128 pages. Historical fleet list of each ship with specifications, history and detailed side-profile drawing on scale. ISBN 0946378002. In good condition
16,50 *
Short Sea Shipping 1995 Short Sea Shipping 1995
Mayes, G. and B. McCall: 1995 UK, softcover, ca. 80 pages each, with details of the short sea ships, categorized by company in the United Kingdom, with photos. ISBN 9780951357651 In very good condition
9,50 *
Dutch and Belgian Short Sea Shipping 1996-97 Dutch and Belgian Short Sea Shipping 1996-97
Fenton, R. and McGall, B: UK1998, softcover, 48 pages. Categorized by shipowner, all the Dutch and Belgian coasters, with photos and specifications. ISBN 9780951357675 In very good condition
7,50 * 12,50 *
German Short Sea Shipping German Short Sea Shipping
Mc Gall, Bernard and Dominic: 2001 UK, softcover 84 pages. All the German Coasters, categorized by company, with many photos and all the details of the ships. ISBN 9781902953052 In very good condition
10,00 *
Merchant Fleets 30 French Line Merchant Fleets 30 French Line
Compagnie Generale Transatlantique
Haws, Duncan: 1996 UK. All the ships, their history, specifications and a detailed side profile drawing on scale. ISBN 0946378304 In very good condition
19,50 *
Die deutschen Kuhlschiffe Die deutschen Kuhlschiffe
Kludas, A. and R. Witthohn: 1981 Koehler Verlag Herford, hardcover with dustjacket 124 pages, with photos and lists of all Reefers. ISBN 3782202481 in very good condition
22,50 *
Deutsche Dampfschiffahrt-Gesellschaft Hansa Deutsche Dampfschiffahrt-Gesellschaft Hansa
Gray, Leonard: 1967 World Ship Society, softcover 80 blz., Historical fleet list with photo's, specifications and history of each ship. In good condition
10,00 *
Small seagoing craft and vessels for inland navigation Small seagoing craft and vessels for inland...
Roorda, A. and E.M. Neuerburg: 1957 Stam Haarlem, hardcover dustjacket 560 pages, with photos, plans and detailed anatomy illustrations of the ships, like inland ships, tugs, dredging materials, coasters, ferry's, ice-breakers, fishing...
150,00 *
Hapag-Lloyd 1970-1980 Hapag-Lloyd 1970-1980
Hapag-Lloyd: 1980 Hamburg, softcover, 68 pages, illustrated, with many photos. Mix of history and activities in this book. + additional booklet with facts and fleet-list. In very good condition
30,00 *
Schiffe von Gestern 2 Schiffe von Gestern 2
Detlefsen, G.U.: 1985 Germany, softcover, 64 pages, illustrated. Book that presents detailed descriptions and scale drawings of 29 historical ships, including steamers, sailing vessels, and motor ships. The book offers a comprehensive...
12,50 *
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