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Wenger, W.H.: 1978 Switzerland, hardcover, 230 pages. Photo book of Hartmann of the small Swiss trains and tracks. ISBN 3440045632 In very good condition
Marti, F. and W. Trub: 1984 Switzerland, hardcover, 199 pages, with many photos. The Gotthard Track with her Trains. Photos and information ISBN 3280014700 In very good condition. German Language
Scibla Mo N Lede
Perathoner, E. and S. Planker: 2012 Switzerland, illustrated. The Rail Track from Klausen an der Brenner, to Valgardena. History of the rail track and her trains ISBN 9788889255339 In very good condition. German-Italian language
Marti, F. and W. Trub: 1986 Zurich, hardcover, 189 pages. The Rhaetian rail track in Switzerland, with her trains. ISBN 3280016398 In very good condition. German, French, English language
Hitz, B. and R. Weber: 1996 Switzerland, hardcover, 140 pages, with many photos. Photo book with details of this Swiss rail track. ISBN 9783860473177 In very good condition. German/French/English language
Ein Lokporträt in Wort, Bild und Ton
Klossek, J.C. and A. Muhl: 1970 Stuttgart, softcover, 47 pages, with photos. Monograph about this Locomotive, with 45 rpm record in holder to listen to the sound of the P10. Cover small marks of use. In good condition. German language
Deutscher Schienenverkehr um 1935
Schorner, E: 1983 Munchen Germany, hardcover, 208 pages. Photo book with much information. German rail transport around 1935 ISBN 3885630141 In very good condition
Siezak: 1973 Austria, softcover, 79 pages, with photos and technical drawings. All the specific information ISBN 3900134243 In good condition
Die Preussische und Wurttembergische T18, portrait einer Dampflokomotivreihe
Holzborn, K.D.: 1974 Germany, softcover, 119 pages, with many photos and information. In good condition
Denoth, G: 2010 Sutton Verlag, Österreich, Softcover, 127 Seiten. Fotobuch mit historischen Fotos der Straßenbahnen und Nahverkehrszüge in und um Innsbruck. Jedes Foto mit Begleittext. Mit ausklappbarer Karte der Gegend ISBN...
Die Eisenbahn an der Unterweser
Bollen, W: 2006 Hauschild Bremen, hardcover with dustjacket 248 pages, with many photos. Information of the trains, the tracks, the stations and the history. ISBN 9783897573437 In very good condition. German language
Gerlach, H.H.: 1986 Orell Fussli Schweiz, hardcover ca. 230 pages, with many maps, and detailed information ISBN 3280013909 Cover some small marks of use, otherwise in good condition. German language
Herbrand & Comp: Ca. 1890 Koln-Ehrenfeldt, hardcover 140 pages on ricepaper, one-side printing. Catalogue with all the Wagons made bij Herbrand for Train and Tram lines. Each Wagon a detailes side illustration and all the specifications...
Privatbahnen und Werksbahnen
Zeunert, W: 2007 Zeunert Gifhorn, softcover 96 pages, illustrated. ISBN 9783924335557 In very good condition. German language
Privatbahnen und Werksbahnen
Zeunert, W: 2007 Zeunert Gifhorn, softcover 96 pages, illustrated. ISBN 9783924335588 In very good condition. German language
Die wichtigsten Loks und Triebwagen der SBB und Privatbahn
Schonborn, H.B.: 2004 Geramond Munchen, softcover 192 pages, with many photos and details. ISBN 9783765471766 In good condition. German language
Die Reichsbahn-Baureihe 99 51-60
Lenhard, D. a.o.: 2004 EK-Verlag, hardcover 344 pages, with photos and lists of trains. History, use, design, construction. ISBN 9783882551990 In new condition. German language
Zeunert, W: 2006 Germany, softcover 96 pages, with many photos. ISBN 9783924335533 In very good condition. German language
Zeunert, W: 2007 Germany, softcover 96 pages, with many photos. ISBN 9783924335564 In very good condition. German language
Zeunert, W: 2008 Germany, softcover 96 pages, with many photos. ISBN 9783924335595 In very good condition. German language
Privatbahnen und Werksbahnen
Zeunert, W: 2005 Zeunert Germany, softcover 95 pages, with many photos. ISBN 9783924335434 In very good condition. German language
Privatbahnen und Werksbahnen
Zeunert, W: 2006 Zeunert Germany, softcover 95 pages, with many photos. ISBN 9783924335472 In very good condition. German language
Privatbahnen und Werksbahnen
Zeunert, W: 2006 Zeunert Germany, softcover 95 pages, with many photos. ISBN 9783924335526 In very good condition. German language
Zeunert, W: 2003 Germany, softcover 96 pages, with many photos. ISBN 9783924335359 In good condition. german language
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