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Cousteau, J: 1975 USA, hardcover, each volume 144 pages, with photos in color. All aspects of underwater life in this 20 volume series. In very good condition (because of weight only sending in Europe)
Field, Colin: 1996 Japan, softcover 249 pages, illustrated. Scientific work. Int. Tropical Timber Orgnisation and Int. Society for Mangrove Ecosystems ISBN 4906584020 In good condition. English language
Special scientific issue of MAST Maritime Studies
Collective: 2005 Amsterdam, softcover 309 pages, illustrated. Scientific studie of the conservation of Turtles. In very good condition
Ethological Research in Polar Regions
Hacquebord, Louwrens en Nienke Boschman: Groningen 2008 Bakhuis, softcover 149 pages, illustrated isbn 9789077922408 poolboeken polarbooks
A Case-Study of a Changing Ecosystem
Nienhuis, P.H. and A.C. Smaal: 1994 Kluwer Academic, with photos, illustrations, diagrams, index etc. In good condition ISBN 9780792328179
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